Chronic Disease sucks!

But You Don't Have To Let It.

You DON'T have to wait for your next doctor's appointment to make your next move towards a painfree life.

Join me in the 5 Day Simple (but potentially uncomfortable to your brain) Challenge and start becoming the boss of your body.

woman by computer happy.png

Chronic Diseases like rheumatoid arthritis Should NOT be in charge!


In these 5 days you'll be on your way to taking back control


Easy actionable steps that you can start immediately


Best of All:

It's FREE!

give yourself a gift this christmas-
Take back your life!

 Hi! My name is Andrea. I'm your Body Boss Elf on a Shelf for as long as you need!  

  • Turn your confusion about your chronic condition into power, your power.
  • Have productive visits with your doctor to get what you want.
  • ​Get your family and friends on the same page and stop the gaslighting and doubt.
  • ​Learn self-care techniques to help with pain and life management 

I wasn't always so wyld.

I let my RA control me for years... to the point that doctors were planning out my hospice care! It was ravaging my body. I could BARELY walk (with TWO canes). I was sleeping an hour or two a night. I was worried about being a drug addict. I couldn't conceive, I couldn't drive or fulfill my duties at work. To be honest, I was barely able to breathe without pain.

I was so scared and frustrated - what was my body going to do next! Could it even get any worse? (Answer: Yes!)

I soon found out my relationships were greatly strained and didn't feel like I had any support at home or from my boss.

I was angry and resentful at everyone and everything from God to the man who couldn't wait 5 minutes to hold the door for me. I was even mad at the dirt on the floor I couldn't sweep.

Then, I got ornery. If I was going down, I was going to do it my way! And something strange started to happen. I didn't know my rebel-tude (my new word for rebellious attitude hehe) would be a catalyst. It didn't take long for me to embrace my wyld chyld ways again. I no longer wanted to remove myself from this Earth. I wanted to live again and I started to believe I could!

I don't want anyone to struggle like I did for as long as I did. That's why I created this challenge along with courses and journals. I want to help! 

great news!
it doesn't have to end in 5 days!

We can continue to work together in many possible forms. Continue this momentum of finding your wyld chyld again with me by your side!

let's assess your next wyld action to "body bossdome"

I would love to spend 30 minutes with you to help you determine your next best action for taking back control of your body and how it is run.
Click "Schedule a Call" to find a time that works best for you to attain this valuable assessment.
P.S. It's Free!
P.S.S. And it's not a sales pitch! I have options, yes and it is your decision if you want to hear about them. 

  • Visualize your best life - what does it look like?
  • Pain free? Moving better?
  • ​Validated? 
  • ​Empowered? Fierce?
  • ​Let's get that back for you! NOW!

Watch this short video below - You NEED to hear this! 

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